The Account Rights Roles page allows you to set up account rights roles which can be assigned to users.
This Section Includes:
Account Rights Roles Grid
The Account Rights Roles are listed in a grid below the link. The Account Rights Role Name and Users columns appear on the grid.
- Click the Add New Account Rights Role link to add a new Account Rights role. The Account Rights Role > Update page appears which allows you to add a new Account Rights Role and assign the rights for that role.
- Click the Edit
icon to make changes to an Account Rights Role.
- Click the Delete
icon to remove the Account Rights Role. If you remove the Account Rights Role, then the role is automatically removed from any users that were assigned to that role.
- Click the Copy
icon to create a copy of an existing Account Rights role. (The new role is added with the word "copy" added to the end of the Account Rights role name.)
- Hover over the User
icon to view the users that have been assigned to that Account Rights role.
Account Rights Roles > Update
Account Rights Roles > Update page allows you to set which level and account permissions that an account rights role has and assign that role to users. Enter the Account Rights Role Name and a Note if desired. There are two tabs: Account Rights and Users.
Account Rights Tab:
The Account Rights tab allows you to set the access rights for account structures and accounts.
- Click the Add New Role Detail link to specify the account structure and accounts.
- Click the Edit
icon to make changes to a Role detail.
- Click the Delete
icon to remove a Role detail.
- When editing a detail line, you can specify a Company, Fund, Department, and an Account Range. Click the OK button to save the detail.
This example shows how the Account Range can be left blank to give account rights to all accounts within a specific department.
Leaving Fields Blank:
When adding a Detail line, you have the option to leave fields such as Company, Fund, and Department blank. For example, if you wanted to give rights to account 52250 in all companies, you could specify a range of "52250 - 52250" without specifying any levels above it.
To specify one account number, you can leave either the first or second range field blank instead of entering the account number in both fields.
Account Ranges:
When using an Account Range, the fields behave in the following fashion.
- 0-52250: A zero in the first field and 52250 in the second field indicates you want all accounts less than or equal to 52250 for that line.
- •52250-0: The number 52250 in the first field and a zero in the second field indicates you want all accounts greater than or equal to 52250 for that line.
- 52250-59999: The numbers 52250 in the first field and 59999 in the second field indicate you want all accounts between 52250 and 59999 for that line.
Income & Expense Accounts When specifying only Income and Expense accounts, the role must also have rights to at least one bank account that has been established in Bank Account Management. If a user does not have rights to an established bank account, then the user is not able to select a bank account on the Current Financial Settings. |
The Omit Access check box:
There is also an Omit Access check box. This check box allows you to specify which accounts, and account structures a role does not have access to.
- If all of the Account Rights detail lines assigned to a user have the Omit Access option checked, then the user by default has rights to ANY and ALL other account structure and accounts.
- If there are both Omit Access and Non-Omit Access detail lines assigned to a user, then the user only has rights to the Non-Omit Access details lines.
- When the Omit Access and Non-Omit Access rights overlap, then the Omit Access detail lines overrule the Non-Omit Access detail lines.
Account Rights Examples:
This role has rights to everything except Fund 1 & 2 in Company 1.
This role only has rights to Fund 1 & 2 in Company 1.
Within Company 1, this role has rights to everything in Fund 1 except Department 100 and it also has rights to everything in Fund 2.
Users Tab:
The Users tab allows you to assign an Account Rights Role to users. Once an Accounts Rights Role is assigned to a user, that user has all the access rights that have been specified for that role. Click and drag the appropriate users from the List Of All Users box to the Assigned User(s) box.
- Click the
button to save any information that has been added or edited.
- Click the Reset link to reset the page back to how it was before any changes were made to it.
- Click the Cancel link to leave the page without saving any changes and return to the previous page you were on.