Set Up a Positive Pay File Layout

Positive Pay layouts can vary from bank to bank. For this reason, you may need to setup a layout that meets the specifications for your bank.

This Step-by-Step tutorial walks you through setting up both a Delimited file layout and a Fixed Width file layout.

This Section Includes:

Setup a Delimited File Layout

  1. Acquire the Positive Pay file layout from your bank.

  1. From the Bank Account Management menu, select Modify -> Positive Pay Layouts.

  1. Next, click the Add New Layout link.

  1. Enter a Layout Name that describes the file layout. (This is typically the bank name.)

  1. Select the File Format. After selecting Delimited, specify Field Delimiter as either a "comma" or "tab".

  1. Select the Record Delimiter from the drop-down list. (Each record is a row in the file.)

  1. Select the Include Decimal Point in $ Amounts? check box if it is required for your bank.

NOTE: Some banks assume that the last two digits of the an amount are the cents and therefore do not require a decimal point.

  1. Select the Date Format from the drop-down list and then select the Date Separator per your banks file specifications.

  1. Next, click on the Detail Record tab and then select the number of fields from the drop-down list.

  1. Starting with the first field, fill in each field for the columns specified on your banks Positive Pay file layout.

  1. When you are finished filling in the fields, click the Create Test File button located in the lower right-hand corner.

  1. Review the downloaded file to verify that the fields are specified correctly.

  1. When you are finished, click the Update button to save your changes.

  1. To assign this layout to your bank account, select Modify -> Bank Account Information from the top menu.

  1. Click the Edit  icon next to your bank account that is going to use this Positive Pay file layout.

  1. Specify the new format on the Positive Pay Layout drop-down list and then enter the Positive Pay Bank NumberRecord Type Check, and Record Type Void.

  1. When you are finished, click the Update button.

Setup a Fixed Width File Layout

  1. Acquire the Positive Pay file layout from your bank.

  1. From the Bank Account Management menu, select Modify -> Positive Pay Layouts.

  1. Next, click the Add New Layout link.

  1. Enter a Layout Name that describes the file layout. (This is typically the bank name.)

  1. Select the File Format. After selecting Fixed Width, enter the "Record Length".

  1. Select the Record Delimiter from the drop-down list. (Each record is a row in the file.)

  1. Select the Include Decimal Point in $ Amounts? check box if it is required for your bank.

NOTE: Some banks assume that the last two digits of the an amount are the cents and therefore do not require a decimal point.

  1. Select the Date Format from the drop-down list and then select the Date Separator per your banks file specifications.

  1. Next, click on the Detail Record tab and then select the number of fields from the drop-down list.

  1. Starting with the first field, fill in each field for the columns specified on your banks Positive Pay file layout.

  1. When you are finished filling in the fields, click the Create Test File button located in the lower right-hand corner.

  1. Review the downloaded file to verify that the fields are specified correctly.

  1. When you are finished, click the Update button to save your changes.

  1. To assign this layout to your bank account, select Modify -> Bank Account Information from the top menu.

  1. Click the Edit  icon next to your bank account that is going to use this Positive Pay file layout.

  1. Specify the new format on the Positive Pay Layout drop-down list and then enter the Positive Pay Bank NumberRecord Type Check, and Record Type Void.

  1. When you are finished, click the Update button.



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