Copy the Chart of Accounts

The Chart of Accounts can be copied when adding a new fiscal year. Some organizations copy the chart of accounts months before closing the current fiscal year so that proposed budgets for the new year can be entered.

This Step-by-Step tutorial shows you how to copy your chart of accounts while adding a new fiscal year.

  1. From the General Ledger menu, select Modify -> Year and Periods.

  1. Click the Add New Year link.

  1. Enter the Begin Date and End Date for the new fiscal year.

  1. Select any other options as appropriate and then click the Update button at the bottom of the page.

  1. Select where you want the chart of accounts to be copied from.

NOTE: Normally, the chart of accounts is copied from the previous year and then manually adjusted for any account changes in the new year.

  1. Select the Copy Budgets? check box if you would like the budget figures automatically copied to the new year and then click the Update button.

  1. When the accounts are finished copying to the new year. A Summary grid appears. Click the OK button.




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