How to Use E-File

E-File allows you to electronically file your W-2, 941, and 1099 information to state and federal agencies. In just a few steps you can submit your information and even email your employees or vendors so they can access their W-2s or 1099s online.


This Section Includes:


  • Save time by electronically filing W-2, 941, and 1099 information with the appropriate Federal agency (IRS or SSA).
  • Print and mail copies of forms to employees or vendors via U.S. Postal Service First Class mail.
  • Email employees or vendors a link to access their W-2s or 1099s online.
  • Provide fulfillment according to each state’s required method of filing.
  • Bundle services together for a cost savings.

Payroll - W-2 E-File

Select the option to E-File when you run W-2s and click Run Report. This brings up a screen informing you that you will be redirected to manage your e-filing. The Financials automatically takes you to the E-File web site via a pop-up window. You can then log in if you already have an account, click the Forgot Password link if you have forgotten your password, or the Create Account link to create a new account. You need to create an account if this is your first time using E-File.

NOTE: Enable pop-ups from your Financials site if the window for E-File does not display.
After creating an account you can select the services you want, select the records you wish to file, proceed through the State Reconciliation process (if applicable), and submit payment.

This Section Includes:

Forgot Password:

Click the Forgot Password link if you need to reset your password. Enter your Email Address and click the Send Me My Password button. This email address must be the same one that you used when you first registered with E-File.

Create New Account:

Click the Create Account link to access the User Information page. Fill out the form (fields with asterisks are required) and then click Confirm to create your account or the Cancel link to return to the main E-File screen.

The Confirm Information page allows you to review all of your account information before creating your account.

Click the Edit button to change your contact information or the Create Account button to finalize the creation of the account.

NOTE: If you want to change your email address or password, finish creating your account and then go to the Manage Account section (click here for more information).

Forms in Progress - Select Services:

On the left side of the Forms in Progress page you can select the Bundle or A La Carte services that you want. Click the blue question mark icon by any option to see exactly what you get with the service.

The Bundles let you take advantage of all the E-File options. The only difference between the bundles is that one of them includes State E-Filing and one does not. Both bundles submit your Federal returns electronically, send W-2s to your employees, and give you the option of emailing links for online W-2 retrieval. The A La Carte services allow you to select only the services you are interested in.

NOTE: The bundles are discounted. Selecting all a la carte service options results in a higher cost.
The Subtotal shows your total cost based on the selected services and the number of employees for which you have selected to file. Click Price List for more information.

Forms in Progress - Select Records:

The grid displays a header for each Payer (Company) that you have exported to E-File. In the grid, remove the check from any employee for which you do not want to electronically file. In the State Filing column, the state abbreviation from the employee record (if any) is displayed. If you are not filing state taxes, the state abbreviation is grayed out with no check mark. The Recipient Copy column has a check if you are using that service.

NOTE: There is no state W-2 for California or Oklahoma, so they do not show up in the State Filing column.

Click the Unselect All button if you want to deselect all employees. When ready to move forward click Next.

NOTE: A check in a column means that you are selecting to perform that service. A folder icon in a column means that particular service has already been performed for that employee.
If you click Next without selecting a service option that includes state filing and you have at least one employee in the grid that pays state taxes, you receive the following message:

Click Cancel to go back and change your service selection or OK to move forward in the process.

State Reconciliation:

You are prompted to fill out and confirm state reconciliation forms for any state(s) you have selected that require them. State Reconciliation forms are not required for the following: Arkansas, California, Colorado, Delaware, Washington DC, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Carolina, and West Virginia. Click Next when finished to move forward in the process.

NOTE: Click the Help  icon to view IRS help documentation regarding any line for which you have a question.

Submit Forms - Review Cart:

On the Submit Forms screen you can review your selections before moving on. The grid displays a header for each Payer (Company) that you have exported to E-File. For each employee, the grid displays a check in the column for the services that apply to that record. The column does not contain a check if you are not using that particular service (e.g., Recipient Copy).

Click Preview Forms to be prompted to download a PDF preview of your W-2 forms.

Click Summary Report to be prompted to download the report in PDF form. The Summary Report summarizes all forms currently in your forms cart or in your submitted forms section. The reports are separated by Payer (Company) and Form Type.

Click Detail Report to be prompted to download a report in comma separated values (.csv) format, which should open in Microsoft Excel®. This report contains all details for the forms you are submitting.

Click the Remove Payer button and you are prompted to confirm whether you want to delete the payer/company from Submit Forms or move the payer/company back to the Forms in Progress page. Make your selection and click OK.

The Add/Edit Emails button allows you to verify/edit email addresses for any employees to whom you want to send a link to their W-2s. IF the employees have an email address in Financials, those are automatically uploaded.

Enter your Promo Code if applicable and click Apply Code to update the TOTAL.

Click Next to move forward in the process.

Submit Forms - Payment Details:

Enter your payment details in the fields provided then click Next.

Submit Forms - Review & Confirm:

On the left side of the screen review your Cart including the name of your payer(s) (company) and the total amount. Click the Edit Cart button to return to the Review Cart screen.

On the right side of the screen review your Payment Details. Click the Edit Payment Details button to return to the Payment Details screen.

You can review the Electronic Filing Terms & Conditions and License Agreement by clicking the appropriate link at the bottom of the screen. Click the Previous button to return to Payment Details or the Confirm & Submit button to submit your payment and continue.

Filing Complete:

On the next screen a summary of your completed process is displayed along with a Confirmation #. You also receive an email confirmation. For those using the email service, any employees for whom you specified an email address receive a link to access an online copy of their W-2s.

In the What We Do For You section, E-File breaks down what is going to take place automatically now that you have finalized your submission. Click the More Info links for more information on each item.

You can also view or print the Summary Report.

In the What You Are Responsible For section, E-File breaks down your responsibilities now that you have completed the electronic filing process.

The Print Page button allows you to print the confirmation web page. Click Print Forms to access the Form Filing History page (see Form Filing History later in the document). Click Print Receipt to be prompted to download a PDF receipt of your paid services provided by E-File.

When finished, click Return To Your Filing Home.

Payroll - 941 E-File

Select the option to Efile when you run 941s. This option is on the Options tab. Click Run Report to bring up a screen informing you that you will be redirected to manage your efiling and the program then takes you to the E-File website in a pop-up window. Many of the steps are the same as when processing W-2s. Refer to the Payroll – W-2 section of this document for assistance with the following: Forgot Password, Create Account, and Add/Edit Recipient Emails.

NOTE: Enable pop-ups from your Financials site or the window for E-File does not display.

This Section Includes:

Forms in Progress - Select Services:

On the left side of the Forms in Progress page you can select Federal
E-Filing for your 941. Click the blue question mark icon by any option to see exactly what you get with the service.

The Subtotal shows your total cost based on the selected service. Click Price List for more information.

Federal E-Filing is your only option for E-Filing the 941.

Forms in Progress - Select Payer:

The grid displays a header for each Payer (Company) that you have exported to E-File. In the grid remove the check from any payer for which you do not want to electronically file.

Click the Unselect All button if you want to deselect all payers (companies). When ready to move forward click the Edit/View button.

NOTE: A check in a column means that you are selecting to perform that service. A folder icon in a column means that particular service has already been performed for that payer.

Forms in Progress - Employer or Reporting Agent:

If you are an Employer, click I’m an Employer With a PIN or I Need a PIN, as applicable. If you are a Reporting Agent, click, I’m a Reporting Agent.

The I’m an Employer With a PIN option takes you to a screen where you can verify your information and enter and confirm your PIN number. Click Continue to move forward in the process or the Cancel button to return to Your Filing Home.

The I Need a PIN option takes you to a screen where you can request a pin using an online form. Allow 45 days for the PIN Registration Process. You will receive the pin via US Mail within 7-10 days after the PIN Registration Process is complete. After receiving a PIN, you have ten days to sign and return a statement acknowledging receipt of the PIN before it is activated for use.

The I’m a Reporting Agent option takes you to a screen where you must check a box confirming you are a reporting agent and have filed the 8655 form with the IRS. You also have to enter your PIN and Electronic Filer Identification Number (EFIN).

941/Schedule B:

When prompted to Select Period make your quarter selection and click Continue.


Fill out the 941 form. Click the Help  icon by any line you have a question about to view IRS help documentation. There are three tabs: Data Entry Pg. 1, Data Entry Pg. 2, and Data Entry Sch. B. You can also click the Edit Quarter button to change the quarter on which you are reporting. The Edit Signature Info button allows you to edit the information about the person preparing/submitting the 941.

NOTE: If you change the signature info you must re-enter and confirm your PIN.
Click Next after making sure the information on all three pages is correct. This returns you to the Forms In Progress page where you can then click Next to continue filing your 941.

Submit Forms - Review Cart:

On the Submit Forms screen you can review your selections before moving on. The grid displays a header for each Payer (Company) that you have exported to E-File. For each Payer the grid displays a check in the column for the services that apply to that company.

Click Preview Forms to be prompted to download a PDF preview of your 941 report.

Click Detail Report to be prompted to download a report in comma separated values (.csv) format, which should open in Microsoft Excel®. This report contains all details for the forms you are submitting.

Click the Remove Payer button and you are prompted to confirm that you want to delete all of your submissions from that Payer (Company) or to continue without deleting. Make your selection and click OK.

If you have a Promo Code enter it here and click Apply Code.

Click Next to move forward in the process.

Submit Forms - Payment Details:

Enter your payment details in the fields provided then click Next.

Submit Forms - Review & Confirm:

On the left side of the screen review your Cart including the name of your payer(s) (company) and the total amount. Click the Edit Cart button to return to the Review Cart screen.

On the right side of the screen review your Payment Details. Click the Edit Payment Details button to return to the Payment Details screen.

You can review the Electronic Filing Terms & Conditions and License Agreement by clicking the appropriate link at the bottom of the screen. Click the Previous button to return to Payment Details or the Confirm & Submit button to submit your payment and continue.

Filing Complete:

On the next screen a summary of your completed process is displayed along with a Confirmation #. You also receive an email confirmation.

In the What We Do For You section, E-File breaks down what is going to take place automatically now that you have finalized your submission. Click the More Info links for more information on each item.

In the What You Are Responsible For section, E-File breaks down your responsibilities now that you have completed the electronic filing process.

The Print Page button allows you to print the confirmation web page. Click Print Forms to access the Form Filing History page (see Form Filing History later in the document). Click Print Receipt to be prompted to download a PDF receipt of your paid services provided by E-File.

When finished, click Return To Your Filing Home.

Accounts Payable - 1099 E-File

Select the option to E-File when you run 1099s. Click Run Report, and the program takes you to the E-File website via a pop-up window. Many of the steps are the same as when processing W-2s. Refer to the Payroll section of this document for assistance with the following: Forgot Password, Create Account, and Add/Edit Recipient Emails.

NOTE: Enable pop-ups from your Financials site or the window for E-File does not display.

This Section Includes:

Forms in Progress - Select Services:

On the left side of the Forms in Progress page you can select the Bundle or A La Carte services that you want. Click the blue question mark icon by any option to see exactly what you get with that bundle or service.

The Bundles let you take advantage of all of the E-File options. The bundle submits your Federal 1099s electronically, sends 1099s to your employees, and gives you the option of emailing links for online 1099 retrieval. The A La Carte services allow you to only select the services you are interested in.

NOTE: The bundle is discounted. Selecting to do part of the process a la carte and then coming back later for the other part results in a higher cost.

The Subtotal shows your total cost based on the selected services and the number of vendors for which you have selected to file. Click Price List for more information.

Forms in Progress - Select Records:

The grid displays a header for each Payer (Company) that you have exported to E-File. In the grid remove the check from any vendor for which you do not want to file electronically. The Recipient Copy column has a check if you are using that service.

Click the Unselect All button if you want to deselect all vendors. When ready to move forward click Next.

NOTE: A check in a column means that you are selecting to perform that service. A folder icon in a column means that particular service has already been performed for that vendor.

Submit Forms - Review Cart:

Click Next on the Add/Edit Recipient Emails screen (for more information see the Payroll – W-2 section of this document). On the Submit Forms screen you can review your selections before moving on. The grid displays a header for each Payer (Company) that you have exported to E-File. For each vendor the grid displays a check in the column for the services that apply to that record. The column does not contain a check if you are not using that particular service (e.g., Recipient Copy).

Click Preview Forms to be prompted to download a PDF preview of your 1099 forms.

Click Summary Report to be prompted to download a summary report in PDF form. The Summary Report summarizes all forms currently in your forms cart or in your submitted forms section. The reports are separated by Payer (Company) and Form Type.

Click Detail Report to be prompted to download a report in comma separated values (.csv) format, which should open in Microsoft Excel. This report contains all details for the forms you are submitting.

Click the Remove Payer button and you are prompted to confirm that you want to delete all of your submissions from that Payer (Company) or to continue without deleting. Make your selection and click OK.

The Add/Edit Emails button allows you to enter in or edit email addresses for any users to whom you want to send a link to their 1099s.

If you have a Promo Code enter it here and click Apply Code.

Click Next to move forward in the process.

Submit Forms - Payment Details:

Enter your payment details in the fields provided then click Next.

Submit Forms - Review & Confirm:

On the left side of the screen review your Cart including the name of your payer(s) (company) and the total amount. Click the Edit Cart button to return to the Review Cart screen.

On the right side of the screen review your Payment Details. Click the Edit Payment Details button to return to the Payment Details screen.

You can review the Electronic Filing Terms & Conditions and License Agreement by clicking the appropriate link at the bottom of the screen. Click the Previous button to return to Payment Details or the Confirm & Submit button to submit your payment and continue.

Filing Complete:

On the next screen a summary of your completed process is displayed along with a Confirmation #. You also receive an email confirmation. For those using the email service, any users for whom you specified an email address receive a link to access an online copy of their 1099s.

In the What We Do For You section, E-File breaks down what is going to take place automatically now that you have finalized your submission. Click the More Info links for more information on each item. You can also view or print the Summary Report.

In the What You Are Responsible For section, E-File breaks down your responsibilities now that you have completed the electronic filing process.

The Print Page button allows you to print the confirmation web page. Click Print Forms to access the Form Filing History page (see Form Filing History later in the document). Click Print Receipt to be prompted to download a PDF receipt of your paid services provided by E-File.

When finished, click Return To Your Filing Home.

Filing Home

The Your Filing Home page allows you to view at which part of the process you are (in case your progress was interrupted) and also access Form Filing History. Any messages are listed in the Message Center.

This Section Includes:

Form Filing History:

The Form Filing History page displays all of your E-File history broken down by the calendar year. For each listing the grid displays the confirmation number, date of submission, and the type of form submitted. From this page, you can check the status of any previous filings, view and print forms, and email recipients.

NOTE: For W-2 filing, if you have some employees who had state forms to file and some who did not, you have two listings and two confirmation numbers in the grid.

Form Filing History - Check Status:

Click the Clock  icon on the Form Filing History page to access the Check Status screen. The current status for each service you purchased is displayed in the grid.

The names of your employees or vendors and the forms that were submitted for them are listed below the grid. Click the Return to Form Filing History link to return to the Form Filing History screen.

Form Filing History - View and Print Forms:

Click the Print  icon on the Form Filing History page to access the View and Print Forms screen. Select the employees or vendors for whom you want to print forms. Click the Unselect All button to deselect all individuals in the grid. Click the Next button when finished.

Select the Form/Report(s) that you wish to print and then click the Download button to be prompted to download the items you have selected.

Click the Return to View and Print Forms link to return to the previous screen and then the Return to Form Filing History page to return to Form Filing History.

Form Filing History - Email Recipients:

Click the Mail  icon on the Form Filing History page to access the Email Recipients screen. For any employees or vendors in the grid enter an Email Address in the field provided and click Send Email to send them a link to access their W-2 or 1099 forms online.

NOTE: If you previously entered email addresses for your employees or vendors this year during the submission process they are automatically populated in this grid.

Additional Information

Click the How It Works link at the top of the page for an overview of the process as well as pricing. You can also access Help and Manage Account.

This Section Includes:


Click the Help link at the top of the page to access the Contact Us and Technical Support screen. Click the Frequently Asked Questions & Answers link for answers to common questions about E-File services. The Knowledgebase of Answers link allows you to access help with technical issues. You can also view the License Agreement.

Fill out the form on the right side of the page and click Submit if you are unable to find the answer to your question. We will reply by email as soon as possible.

Manage Account:

The Manage Account link takes you to a screen with three options:

  • Update Password: Enter your Current Password and then enter your new password in the New Password and Confirm Password fields. Click Update to change your password or the Cancel button to return to the Manage Account screen.
    (Passwords must be at least eight characters.)
  • Update Email Address: Your Current Email Address is displayed. Enter your new email address in the New Email Address and Confirm Email Address fields. Click Update to change your email address or the Cancel button to return to the Manage Account screen.
  • Update Account Information: Update your information and click Update to save your changes or the Cancel button to return to the Manage Account screen.




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