Manage Recurring Payments

Manage Recurring Payments allows you to create, edit, and transfer recurring payments.

This Section Includes:


  1. The following options are available. Choose the appropriate Filters as needed.
    • Vendor: Select the Vendor by clicking the (not set) link or the Search  icon. This displays the Person Search window. By default, the search text for the Name field searches for last names and organizations. To search for first and last names enter your search in the "lastname, firstname" format. You can also search by City and State. Select the vendor for which you are creating the recurring payment and click the Select button. Alternately, click the Close link to return to the previous page without selecting a vendor.
      Note: Search for just a first name by starting your search with a comma (e.g., ", James").  Results default to Accounts Payable, select All Applications from the drop-down list to view all names.
    • Due Date: Select the due date range from which you want to view recurring payments. Additional date filters may appear depending on what option you choose.

    • Invoice # Range
    • Frequency: Select which frequency options to display.
    • ACH: Select to view All TransactionsOnly ACH Transactions, or No ACH Transactions.
    • Type: Select to view All TransactionsOnly Invoices, or Only Electronic Funds Transfers.
    • Projects: Options include Select all and every project associated with a recurring payment.
    • Include those on Hold: Select to show recurring payments that are currently on hold.
  1. Click the Search button to display the results or the Clear Filters link to reset all filters.

Recurring Payments Grid

The grid displays recurring payments matching the selected filters with the following columns:

  • Vendor
  • Due Day
  • Invoice #
  • 1099: Displays the 1099 status (if any) of the recurring payment. If the recurring payment has detail lines with different 1099 status types, the grid shows Multiple. Hover over this column to see the full 1099 status type or, if multiple, all 1099 status types associated with detail lines on the recurring payment.
  • Frequency
  • Total
  • ACH: Displays an icon if the recurring payment is set to use ACH.
  • Sep: Displays an icon if the recurring payment is set to print on a separate check.
  • EFT (Electronic Fund Transfer)Displays a Check Mark  icon if the recurring payment is an Electronic Funds Transfer.
  • Note: Hover over the Note  icon to preview the note.
  • Setup: Hover over the Information  icon to display user and time information for when the recurring payment was set up and last updated.
  1. Double-click on a transaction or click the Edit  icon to edit a transaction in the grid.
  2. You can also click the Add New Recurring Payment link to add a new recurring payment (More Information). Click the Delete  icon to delete a transaction in the grid.

Recurring Payment Edit Report

  1. Select the recurring payments you want to view.
  2. Click the Recurring Payment Edit Report button to display the Accounts Payable Recurring Payments Edit List report (More Information).

Transfer Recurring Payments

  1. Select the transactions you wish to transfer within the grid. You can also select the top box to select all transactions in the grid.
  2. Click the Transfer Recurring Payments button to begin the transfer process. This displays the Transfer Recurring Payments window.
  3. Select the Invoice Date and Due Date.
  4. Click the OK button to finalize the transfer or the Cancel link to return to the Recurring Payments page.
If you are transferring a payment that is determined to be a duplicate, you are prompted to either Transfer Anyway or Cancel.




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