Modify Budgeted Financial Formats allows you to add, edit, or delete custom formats for the Budgeted Financial Statement. You would normally use this option if the standard formats are not adequate for your needs. Select a Statement Format by clicking its link on the right panel.
Standard templates cannot be edited. |
To start a new empty template, click the Add New Template link. To start a new template from an existing template, click the template you wish to copy on the right panel then click the Make a Copy link.
You can secure custom Budgeted Financial Formats with a password. Without that password, users are not able to edit the custom format. Use the Password For Changes and retype fields to specify a password if desired.
To add columns, drag them into the Selected Columns grid from the Available Columns area. Columns in the grid can be edited by clicking the Edit icon. This allows you to customize the Column Header. Click the check mark to save your changes or the "x" to discard changes to the Column Header. Clicking the Delete
icon by a column prompts you to delete that column. Adding a formula column to the grid allows you to click Edit Formula to customize it.
In the Edit Formula window, you can customize the Column Header, change the Formula Type, and change the Variables. By changing the Formula Type to advanced, you can customize the formula however you like. You have access to a Insert Field menu where you can select items to add to your formula. Click the Insert Into Formula button to add the selected field into the Advanced Formula field. Click any function button to add it to the field as well. Click the Update button to save the changes to your formula or the Close link to return to the previous page.
When finished click the Update button to save all changes, the Reset link to undo all changes since the last time the page was updated, or the Cancel link to return to the main General Ledger page.