This video overview may include some out-of-date images. We appreciate your patience as we work to get these videos updated.
Manage Payroll Processing allows you to pay your employees.
This Section Includes:
Use the filters for Name, Home Department, Classification, and Frequency to narrow down your results. On the right make your selection:
- The following options are available. Choose the appropriate Filters as needed.
- Name - Enter * for all.
- Home Department
- Classification
- Frequency
- All Employees: All employees are displayed including ones selected through Enter Employees to Pay.
- Employees To Be Paid: Employees selected through Enter Employees to Pay are displayed.
- Employees Not To Be Paid: Employees without current payroll information are displayed.
- Click the Search button to display a list of employees meeting your criteria or the Clear Filters link to reset all filters.
Payroll Processing Grid
For each employee in the grid the Hours, Compensation, Deductions, Taxes, and Net are displayed. If using ACH a warning symbol appears if prenotification is needed or you are within the 6 day prenotification minimum.
- Click the Select Employees To Pay button to access the Enter Employees to Pay page (More Information). You can also click the Clear Employees to Pay button to remove all current payroll information.
NOTE: If you used Enter Employees to Pay to select your employees the Distribution Selection Date field displays the date chosen at that time. Changing this date does not modify compensation or deduction distributions in the grid.
Time Clock Import Click the Time Clock Import link if you are importing a TimeClock Plus file. Enter the Distribution Selection Date and then click the Choose File button to select the File Name of the TimeClock Plus file. Click the Import button to begin the process. Map your Time Off Job Codes according to the numbers set up within Time Clock Plus. You can then use the Distributions tab to map Job Codes to specific distributions. Double-click a Job Code or click the Edit icon to edit. You can then double-click a compensation distribution or select one and click the Select button to map it to the job code. Click the Cancel link to return to the previous page without saving. Once you have mapped your codes they are retained the next time you go to import Time Clock. Click the Update button to finalize the Time Clock Import or the Cancel link to return to the Payroll Processing page without importing. If you have salaried employees that are included in the Time Clock import under a different hourly compensation (but not with their salaried compensation) and you need to include both their salaried and hourly rates on the payroll run then you must run Enter Employees to Pay for only "Salaried" employees (i.e., exclude "Hourly" employees) before you import your Time Clock file. Otherwise, those employees only have their hourly rates selected to pay. Warning: If Salaried employees are included in the Time Clock Import file, but the only hours included for those employees are Time Off Hours (e.g. Holiday, Vacation, Sick, Personal, etc.) there is a risk of the salary being doubled in Payroll Processing. In this scenario, it is recommended the Time Clock Import file be imported first and then run "Select Employees To Pay" second to add the other employees to Payroll Processing. |
- Click the Expand
icon by an employee to see their check detail.
- Double-click an employee or click the Edit
icon to edit the check detail (More Information).
Click the Delete icon by an employee to be prompted to delete the current payroll information for that employee.
Payroll Processing > Update
Payroll Processing - Update allows you to edit the details of current payroll information for an employee.
This Section Includes:
- To edit an employee's information, click the Edit
icon or double-click on an employee from the Payroll Processing page.
Compensation Grid
- In the Compensation grid click the Edit
icon or double-click a distribution to edit or click Add New Compensation.
- The following options are available. Complete the form as needed.
- Compensation
- Distribution
- # Pay/Year
- Pay Type
- Pay Rate - gross pay
- Hours - optional unless using Time Off Hours
- Project
- Worker's Compensation
- Click the Update button to save this compensation record and return to the Update page or the Cancel link to return to the Update page without saving a compensation record.
Deduction Grid
- In the Deduction grid click the Edit
icon or double-click a distribution to edit or click Add New Deduction.
- The following options are available. Complete the form as needed.
- Deduction
- Distribution
- Fixed Dollar: Enter a fixed dollar amount to be deducted from the individual's check before taxes (e.g., $50.00).
- % Federal Gross: The percentage entered calculates the amount deducted based on federal gross wages (includes housing).
- % Net: The percentage entered calculates the amount deducted based on net pay (after taxes and deductions).
- Per Hour: Enter the amount per hour to be deducted from the individual's check (for hourly employees).
- % Federal Taxable: The percentage entered calculates the amount deducted based on federal taxable wages (does not include housing)
- % State Taxable: The percentage entered calculates the amount deducted based on state taxable wages.
- % Local Taxable: The percentage entered calculates the amount deducted based on local taxable wages.
- % County Taxable: The percentage entered calculates the amount deducted based on county taxable wages.
- Per Reg./OT Hour: Enter the amount per regular/overtime hour to be deducted from the individual's check (for hourly employees).
- % Gross: The percentage entered calculates the amount deducted based on gross wages.
- % Federal Gross Without Non-Cash: The deduction is based on all compensations except non-cash compensations.
- Enter the Amount.
NOTE: Using a percent of the taxable base before the taxable base has been calculated is not a standard accounting procedure. Therefore, % Federal Taxable is calculated as a percent of the gross for deductions that are not subject to federal taxes. Even though these deductions are federally taxed the federal basis amount is reduced by the amount of the deduction. Any overtaxed money is returned when filing taxes next year.
- Click the Update button to save this deduction record and return to the Update page or the Cancel link to return to the Update page without saving a deduction record.
NonCash Grid
- In the NonCash grid click Add New NonCash if applicable.
- The following options are available. Complete the form as needed.
- Non-Cash Compensation
- Distribution
- # Pay/Year
- Pay Type
- Amount
- Project
- Worker's Compensation
- Click the Update button to save this NonCash record and return to the Update page or the Cancel link to return to the Update page without saving a NonCash record.
Payroll Edit Report
Payroll Processing - Edit List of Payroll allows you to preview the detail of the checks and vouchers before printing.
- Click the Payroll Edit Report button to display a preview of the detail of the checks and vouchers before printing.
- Click the Process Payroll button to begin the posting process for all checks and vouchers in the grid (More Information).
This Section Includes:
NOTE: If there are employees to pay set to use ACH Direct Deposit who have not been included in an ACH Prenotification or who are within the minimum 6 day waiting period you receive a notification when you click the Process Payroll button. Click the OK button to continue or the Cancel link to return to the Payroll Processing page.
If you are using a free trial of the Financials, then you have an Email Vouchers button on the Payment Processing page when you have emails queued to send. Click this button to send your emails. When the button disappears, your emails are sent. |
Report Preferences
Once the preview displays you can navigate the pages, export to several formats (e.g., PDF, Excel, Word), and Print.
- The following options are available. Choose the appropriate Filters as needed.
- Include Hourly and Salaried
- Include Only Hourly
- Include Only Salaried
- The following options are available. Choose the appropriate Options as needed.
- Change Appearance?
- Include Compensations
- Include Deductions
- Include Taxes
- Print in Home Department Sequence
Report Preview
- If you have changed the selected options, click the Run Report button to display an updated report preview. You may also click the Clear Preferences link to reset all of your report preferences to their initial values. You can also use the navigation in the left panel to easily jump to the different sections of the report:
- Edit List of Payroll: Displays all payroll detail broken down by employee.
- Compensation Summary: Displays compensation distribution detail broken down by employee.
- Deduction Summary: Displays deduction distribution detail broken down by employee.
- Click the Close Report button to return to the Payroll Processing page.
Payroll Processing > Process Payroll
Payroll Processing - Process Payroll allows you to print your checks and vouchers and finalize your payroll run to General Ledger.
This Section Includes:
- Click the Process Payroll button to continue.
Check Information
- On the Check Information page enter the Check Date.
- Select the Pay Period from date.
- Select the to date.,
- First Check #. The number of checks and vouchers display to the right of the First Check # field.
- You have the option to Email Vouchers.
- Print Emailed Vouchers
- Choose the Payroll Check Register Settings.
- Do not process ACH direct deposits (Print checks for all): Selecting this option prints checks regardless of ACH Direct Deposit settings on the employee's record.
- Do not accrue time off hours: Selecting this option prevents Time Off Hours from accruing based on this payroll run.
- Print in department sequence: Selecting this option causes checks to group and print by department.
- Print time off available hours: Selecting this option prints remaining Time Off Hours on the check stub.
Emailing Vouchers - Setup
When the option to Email Vouchers is selected in order for an employee to receive a voucher by email, they must have a valid ACH account on their employee record that is set to Distribute by Percentage or Distribute by Dollar Amount. In addition, they must have both of the following:
If an employee has no active email address a voucher prints for that employee. If an employee has an active email address but no Social Security Number a voucher does not print for that employee, and they are not emailed. The administrator is notified by email of any employees who do not have Social Security Numbers on their record. Once the Social Security Number is added to an employee record the voucher is queued to be emailed. Emailing Vouchers When the option to Email Vouchers is selected and after the check run has been finalized, any voucher emails are queued for sending to your mail server. Make sure that the email configuration has been properly set up (More Information). Vouchers are sent as secured PDF files. The password is the last four digits of the vendor's Social Security Number or Federal ID (for organizations). |
Customers who are self-hosted cannot email vouchers unless the user agent is configured properly. Please reference How to Use User Agents in the Financials for instructions. |
- Click the OK button when ready to move forward in the posting process. There are up to three stages of the posting process before finalization:
- Print Checks
- Print Vouchers (if applicable)
- Print Reports and Generate Files
If you do not wish to continue, click the Close link to return to the Payroll Processing page.
Preview Checks
- Preview the checks before printing. Once the preview displays you can navigate the pages, export to several formats (e.g., PDF, CSV, Word), and Print. The Reprint Checks button allows you to select the Reprint From # and Reprint To # along with the First Check #. You can then click OK to reprint checks or the Cancel link to return to the check preview page.
- Once you are finished printing checks click the Continue button to move forward in the posting process. Alternately, click the Cancel link to stop processing payroll and return to the Payroll Processing page.
Preview Vouchers
- Use the navigation links in the left panel to easily access previews of the ACH Verification Report and Vouchers before printing. The ACH Verification Report has a column for Emailed Voucher that shows whether a particular employee had their voucher emailed. Once the preview displays you can navigate the pages, export to several formats (e.g., PDF, CSV, Word), and Print.
- Once you are finished printing your report and vouchers click Continue to move forward in the posting process. Alternately, click the Cancel link to stop processing payroll and return to the Payroll Processing page.
Reports and Files
- Use the navigation links in the left panel to easily access previews of the following sections of the Payroll Payment Register report before printing:
- Payment Register: This section of the report displays a break down of all checks and vouchers by employee. Final Totals at the bottom display totals for every compensation, deduction, and tax, along with the associated General Ledger accounts.
- Distribution Summary: This section of the report displays cash and non-cash compensation amounts for each employee grouped by compensation distribution.
- Deduction Summary: This section of the report displays deduction amounts for each employee grouped by deduction distribution.
- Employer Matching Contribution Report: This section of the report displays detailed deduction and matching information for each employee with a matching deduction in the current payroll run grouped by deduction distribution.
- Once the preview displays you can navigate the pages, export to several formats (e.g., PDF, Excel, Word), and Print.
- Click the Download Positive Pay File or Download ACH File button to be prompted to download the respective file.
Warning: This is your only chance to download these files! Make sure you do so before finalizing the payroll process. |
Finalize Post
- Edit the Posting Date if desired.
- Then click the Finalize Post button which finalizes your payroll run and post to General Ledger.
NOTE: The Post Directly to General Ledger without Editing option allows you to have your journal entry posted all the way through to the General Ledger History so that it can be viewed on reports and on the View Posted Journals page within General Ledger. This allows you to skip having to edit and post the journal entry in the Manage Unposted Journals page in General Ledger.
Emailing Vouchers When the option to Email Vouchers is selected and after the payroll run has been finalized, any voucher emails are queued for sending to your mail server. Make sure that the email configuration has been properly set up (More Information). The program sends jobs to your mail server approximately once per day. Vouchers are sent as secured PDF files. The password is the last four digits of the employee's Social Security Number. |
Customers who are self-hosted cannot email vouchers unless the user agent is configured properly. Please reference How to Use User Agents in the Financials for instructions. |
If you do not wish to finalize your payroll run, click the Cancel link to return to the Payroll Processing page.