State and Local Tax Report

The State and Local Tax Report allows you to print a list of the gross wages and taxes for each employee.

This Section Includes:


  1. Complete the following filters as needed.
    • Check Date - Additional date filters may appear depending on what option you choose.

    • Tax Entities - Select the specific tax distributions on which to run the report.


  1. Complete the following options as needed.
    • Change Appearance? - Check the box in order to change the font type and size. There is also a drop-down option to control the white space between the columns by a percentage.
    • Report Options:
      • Print Address 
    • Print Social Security #
    • Sort By f- Select how you want to sort.
      • Last Name, First Name
      • Social Security #
For Print Social Security Number you can choose YesNo, or Mask (****-**-1234).


  1. Click the Run Report button to generate a preview of the report. Refer to the Report Preview help page for more information. Click the Clear Preferences link to reset all of your report preferences to their default values if needed. 
  2. For each employee the report displays the following columns:

    • S.S. #: Social Security Number
    • Name
    • Gross Wages
    • Taxes
  3. Click the Close Report button to return to the dashboard.




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