Change Interest Rates

The Change Interest Rates utility allows you to change the interest rates on Account Types. Each Group is displayed int the grid. Click the Expand icon to display all account types under a group. For each Account Type, the following columns are displayed: Account TypeInterest RateNew Interest Rate, and # accounts.

The # accounts column informs you of how many accounts the rate change will affect.

Click the Expand  icon by any account type to display the Date Last Interest for each interest posting date along with the # accounts posted on that date. This information is for all accounts of that account type.

For any account type for which you wish to change the interest rate, enter the new percentage in the New Interest Rate field. Click the OK button to continue with the process or the Cancel link to return to the main Deposits on Hand page.

Review your changes and click the Continue with above changes button to finalize changing the interest rates or the Cancel link to return to the main Deposits on Hand page.




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