The Statements report displays the Activity, Annual Pledge, Monthly Pledge, Receipts To Date, Receipts This Month, Pledge Remaining, and %Paid. Sub-Activity amounts print below the Parent Activity it they exist.
This Section Includes:
Report Preferences
Preferences allows you to filter and set options for your report.
Filters allow you to reduce the number of entries that appear on the report. Select from the following fields to filter your report.
- Churches To Print:
- Area: Choose from the drop-down list.
- Region: Choose from the drop-down list.
- District: Choose from the drop-down list.
- Activities To Print: Print all activities or Print on activities with pledges or payments
- Print Pledged/Remitted: Choose from the drop-down list:
- All - Includes all churches in the Remittance application.
- Remitted or Pledged - Includes churches that remitted in the date range and includes churches that have a pledge in the date range.
- NOTE: This is the most common choice.
- Remitted all - Includes churches that remitted in the date range
- Remitted only - Includes churches that remitted in the date range, but do not have a pledge.
- Pledged all - Includes churches that have a pledge in the date range.
- Pledged only - Includes churches that have a pledge in the date range but have not remitted in the date range.
- Not Remitted or Not Pledged - Includes churches that have not remitted in the date range and includes churches that do not have a pledge in the date range.
- Begin Date - The date range entered in the "Begin and End Date" fields determines the sum of transactions displayed under the "Received This Month" column.
- End Date
- Include Inactive Pledges?
The Options tab allows you to change the appearance and set the sort order for your report.
- Click the Change Appearance? check box and then choose the Font Type, Size, and Percent.
- Statement Date
Email Statement
Send Statements without PDF Security? - Sends the statements without requiring the recipient to entering the last 4 digits of their church's phone number.
Senf Email to All Addresses On File? - Sends the statement to all email addresses on file for the church.
Email Message
Export as PDF Files - Selecting creates a .zip file when Run Report is chosen, which contains individual .pdf files for each statement.
- Print Church Id as: Person Id, Alternate Id, or Conference Number Name
- Sort Order:
- Church
- Alternate Contact 1
- Alternate Contact 2
- Footer Memo
Click the Run Report button to generate a preview of the report.
- Click the Clear Preferences link to reset all of your report preferences to their default values.
- Click the Close Report button to return to the dashboard.
The report displays on the Report Preview page. Refer to the Report Preview help page for more information.