The Attachments tab allows you to attach files accessible from your device or to scan image files using the Scanner.Client.exe program. Attachments are grouped into sets with one note per set.
This Section Includes:
- Adding New Attachments
- Modifying a Set of Attachments
- Installing and Configuring the Scan Client Executable
- Installing and Configuring the New Scan Client Executable
- Using the Scanner Interface Program
Adding New Attachments
Click the Add New Attachment icon-link to create a new set of attachments.
- Note: Enter a note for the attachment(s). (Optional.)
Add File: Click the
button. A system dialog box appears. Navigate through your folders and select a file. Repeat this process to add more files. Up to 4 files can be added at a time. (The following special characters are allowed when naming attachment files: ~ ` ! @ # $ % ^ & ( - ) _ + = [ { } ] ; ' , )
Scanned Files: Click the
link. The Scanner Interface window appears. Scan and save your images. (The Scan link only displays if the Scanner Client executable is running. See the Installing an Configuring the Scanner Client Executable section for more information.)
NOTE: Scanned images are saved as PDF files.
Click the OK button to add the note, selected files, and scanned files as a set of attachments.
Click the Cancel link to return to the Attachments tab without saving any changes.
Modifying a set of Attachments
After a set of attachments has been added, the following options are available.
- Click the Edit
icon to modify the note.
- Click the Add New
icon to add more attachments.
- Click the
Link to download the attachment for viewing. (Check your browser settings for the download location.)
- Click the Delete
icon at the top to delete an entire set of attachments.
- Click the Delete
icon next to an attachment to delete just that one attachment.
Installing and configuring the Scanner Client executable
The Scanner Client allows the financial web applications to interface with scanners and other equipment on your computer. Below are the steps for installing and configuring the Scanner Client executable (Scanner.Client.exe).
- If the Scanner Client executable is not running, the following message appears.
- Click the click here link to download the Scanner Client executable (Scanner.Client.exe).
- After downloading Scanner.Client.exe, locate it (commonly in your "Downloads" folder) on your PC and double-click on it.
- After the Scanner.Client.exe file has loaded, locate the Scanner Client
icon in your System Tray. Right-click on it and select the "Create Desktop Shortcut" option.
- Right-click on the Scanner Client
icon in your System Tray and then select the Configure option.
- The Connection Settings window appears. Enter the Server Uri and your login information used for logging into your Financials product. (You must be logged into the Financials with the same User Name and Password or the program will not scan.)
Although the Scanner.Client.exe is not compatible with Mac OS, you can attach files that are stored on Mac OS devices. |
Installing and configuring the New Scanner Client executable
The New Scanner Client allows the financial web applications to interface with scanners and other equipment on your computer. It has been enhanced to time-out after 20 minutes in an effort to eliminate a possible performance issue for hosted organizations. Below are the steps for installing and configuring the New Scanner Client executable (Scanner.Client.exe).
- First, let's exit and remove the current Scanner Client. Right-click on the Scanner Client
icon in the System Tray and then select the "Exit" option.
- Next, locate the Scan.Client.exe file and delete it from your PC.
- Navigate to any place in the Financials where an attachment can be added. Click the
Add New Attachment icon-link. If the Scanner Client executable is not running, the following message appears.
- Click the click here link to download the Scanner Client executable (Scanner.Client.exe).
- After downloading Scanner.Client.exe, locate it (commonly in your "Downloads" folder) on your PC and double-click on it.
- After the Scanner.Client.exe file has loaded, locate the Scanner Client
icon in your System Tray. Right-click on it and select the "Create Desktop Shortcut" option if it is not already checked.
- Right-click on the Scanner Client
icon in your System Tray and then select the Configure option.
- The Connection Settings window appears. Enter the Server Uri and your login information used for logging into your Financials product. (You must be logged into the Financials with the same User Name and Password or the program will not scan.)
NOTE: For your security, the Scan.Client.exe program automatically closes after it has been idle for 20 minutes. To restart the Scan.Client.exe program, simply double-click the desktop icon or double-click the Scanner.Client.exe file from your Downloads folder or wherever you selected to store it.
Although the Scanner.Client.exe is not compatible with Mac OS, you can attach files that are stored on Mac OS devices. |
Using the Scanner Interface program
The Scanner Interface program allows you to scan and save images as attachments.
- Click the Select Device
icon to modify your Scanner Settings. It is recommended to set the Color Mode to "Gray Scale" and the Resolution to "200" or lower. This speeds up the process of scanning, storing, and accessing the attachments(scans) and also takes up less storage space.
- Click the Acquire
icon to scan an image.
- Click the Previous
icon or the Next
icon to navigate through scanned images. (These icons are not active unless multiple images are present.)
- Click the Clear
icon to clear a scanned image. (If you have multiple images, clicking this icon does not clear all of the scanned images, just the current image.)
- Click the Save
icon to close the Scanner Interface and load the scanned image(s) into the Add New Attachment window.
- Click the Zoom
icon to either increase or decrease the scanned image size.
- Click the Export to Excel
icon to open a new Excel document with the scanned image(s) inside of it. (A separate worksheet is created for each scanned image.)
- Click the Copy
icon to copy a scanned image to the clipboard.
- Click the Paste
icon to paste an image from the clipboard.
- Click the Crop
icon after selecting an area of the scanned image with your mouse. The area outside of the selection is cropped out of the image.
- Click the Rotate
icon to rotate the image either clockwise or counterclockwise.