Modify Vendor Information

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Modify Vendor Information allows you to set up and edit information on your vendors.

This Section Includes:


You have access to the following Filters:

In the Name field enter your search in the "lastname, firstname" format. You can search for just a first name by starting your search with a comma (e.g., ", James"). The following additional filters are available:

  • Address
  • City
  • State
  • Postal Code
  • Click Search to display results or the Clear Filters link to reset all filters.

Vendor Information Grid

The Vendor Information grid contains the following columns for each vendor:

  • Vendor Name: Displays the Organization name or the Individual name including the title and suffix.
  • Address
  • ACH: Displays a check if the vendor has ACH information on their record.
  • Email: Hover over the Email  icon to view the email address or click it to begin composing a message in your email client.
  • Note: Hover over the Note  icon to preview the note.
  • Setup: Hover over the Information  icon to display user and time information for when the vendor was set up and last updated.

Click the Edit  icon or double-click any vendor in the grid to edit their record. Click the Add New Vendor link to add a new vendor.

Multiple Selection

This function is helpful if you are paying more than one vendor the same amount for the same service.

  1. Check the box next to each Vendor that you want to invoice the same amount.
  2. Then go to Enter > Transaction.
  3. Search on one of the Vendor’s selected and click Select to create multiple invoices for either one or all the selected vendors.
  4. Click Use selection group.

  1. Enter the Invoice information as normal.  An invoice is created for the selected vendors.

Vendor Information > Update

The Vendor Information > Update page allows you to add or edit a vendor record. For Type select if the vendor is an Organization or Individual. If the vendor is an organization enter the Organization Name. If the vendor is an individual, you can specify a Title and edit the First NameMiddle NameLast NameSalutation, and Suffix fields. There are also the following tabs: Vendor InformationACH AccountsPhonesEmailsAddressesDemographics, and Attachments.

This Section Includes:


Specify if the vendor is an "Organization" or an "Individual". Organizations have one field for the organization name whereas an Individual has fields for Title, First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, and Suffix.

Vendors who are already designated as employees in Payroll cannot be changed from an "Individual" to an "Organization". This assures that only individuals are issued a W-2 form.

You can use the "Doing Business As" field on the Demographics tab to specify an organization name, if appropriate.

Vendor Information Tab


Uncheck this field if you want to mark a vendor as inactive. Inactive vendors do not appear on vendor lists and labels. In addition, when searching for a vendor, only active vendors display unless you uncheck the “Only Active” check box on the Vendor Search window.

Invoice Entry Defaults:

  • Account: Select this option if you want new invoices to default to the account number specified.
  • Distribution: Select this option if you want new invoices to default to the distribution specified. (Even though a new invoice defaults to the distribution specified, the distribution needs to be applied to the invoice by clicking the Apply Distribution button.)

The ID # is displayed to the right of the Invoice Entry Defaults.

The Last Invoice DateLast Invoice Number, and Last Invoice Amount display reference information for the vendor.

The following fields are also available on the Vendor Information tab:

  • Product Line: Enter the product line this vendor offers (e.g., paper supplies).
  • Terms: Enter the terms for the vendor (e.g., Net 30). If you want the discount to be automatically calculated use the following format: 2/10/30 where 2 is 2%, 10 is the number of days within which the discount applies (2% discount if paid within 10 days of the invoice date), and 30 is net 30 (informational only). Accounts Payable uses the check date entered when selecting to pay invoices to determine if the discounts are valid. You are prompted to correct any invalid discounts. Terms also appear on the Invoice Entry page for reference. Terms can also be used to automatically calculate a Due Date based on the Invoice Date entered. Examples of “Terms” that can be specified on the Vendor’s record where the invoice is due 7 days after the invoice date include the following: /7, /7/, 0/7, 0/7/, 0/7/0, 0/7/30.
  • Print on Check: Enter a brief comment to print on the check stub (e.g., Acct. # 12345).
  • Default 1099 Status: See below for explanations of the available options.
  • 1099R Box 7 Codes: Enter the 1099R Box 7 Code if applicable. Use the IRS Guide to Distribution Codes to determine the correct code. View a list of codes by hovering over the Information  icon by the 1099R Box 7 Codes field.
  • Approval: Use the (not set) link or click the Search  icon to select the person responsible for approvals (e.g., Office Manager) for reference only.
  • Contact Name: Enter the contact's name for this vendor (e.g., Bill Smith).
  • Note: Enter any needed information about this vendor.

The 1099 Status codes are:

ACH Accounts Tab

The ACH Accounts tab allows you to enter or edit the ACH accounts for a vendor.

Click the  Add New ACH Account icon-link to add a new account. The Add New ACH Account window appears. Enter the following information.

  • Account Type: Select either "Checking" or "Savings" from the drop-down list.
  • Bank Routing #: Enter the bank routing number.
  • Bank Account #: Enter the bank account number.
  • Default: If the Default check box is selected, then new transactions entered for this vendor default to being ACH transactions and the ACH Account marked as "Default" is automatically selected on the ACH tab of the transaction.

NOTE: A check scanner device can be used to enter the Bank Routing # and the Bank Account # if you have installed the Scanner Client executable. To install the Scanner Client executable, hover over the Information  icon next to the Bank Routing # field and then click the click here link to download the executable. Refer to the Installing and configuring the Scanner Client executable section for more information.

  1. Click the Apply button to save the ACH account and add another ACH Account.
  2. Click the OK button to save the ACH account.
  3. Click the Close link to return to the ACH Accounts tab without saving your changes.

Existing Accounts:

After adding an ACH Account, you have the following options.

  1. Click the Edit  icon to modify the ACH Account information.
  2. Click the Delete  icon to remove the ACH Account from the vendor record.

Phones Tab

The Phones tab displays the phone numbers assigned to a vendor and has options to modify these phone numbers.

The following options are available on the Phones tab.

  1. Click the  link to add a new phone number.
  2. Click the Edit  icon to modify an existing phone number.
  3. Click the Delete  icon to remove a phone number from the system.
  4. Click on the Phone TypePhone Number, or Extension header to sort the list of phone numbers by that header.

Add or Edit a Phone Number:

The following fields are available when selecting to add or edit a phone number.

  • Phone Type: Select the phone type from the drop-down list. (Phone types can be modified on the Lookups page. To navigate there, click the Applications option from the Top menu and then select Utilities -> Lookups. Also, the order of the Phone types can be modified on the Lookups page.)
  • Phone Number: Enter the phone number. The phone number is automatically formatted when your cursor leaves the Phone Number field. For example, if you enter "9015551234", the number is automatically formatted to display "(901) 555-1234".
  • ext.: Enter the phone number extension (optional).
  • Unlisted: This check box is informational. Selecting this option does not prevent the phone number from printing on reports.
  • SMS: This check box is informational.

All phone numbers must have an Area Code. If a phone number is entered without an area code (7-digits), then the default area code is added automatically.

The default area code is specified on the Utilities > Organization page. To navigate there, click the Applications option from the Top menu and then select Utilities -> Organization.

  1. Click the  button to save your changes and return to the Phones tab.
  2. Click the Close link to return to the Phones tab without saving your changes.

Emails Tab

The Emails tab displays the email addresses assigned to a vendor and has options to modify these email addresses.

The following options are available on the Emails tab.

  1. Click the  link to add a new email address.
  2. Click the Edit  icon to modify an existing email address.
  3. Click the Delete  icon to remove an email address from the system.
  4. Hover over the Note  icon to display the text stored in the Note field.

Add or Edit an Email Address:

The following fields are available when selecting to add or edit an email address.

  • Email: Enter an email address. The email address must be formatted correctly using the "@" symbol and a period.
  • Note: Enter a Note (optional). Entering a note causes the Note  icon to display on the Emails tab.
  • Active: Only Active Email Addresses are used for contacting the vendor and for reporting purposes.
  • Preferred: Only one email address can be designated as the Preferred email address. The Preferred Email address displays at the top of the List of Emails grid. It is used by the system to contact the vendor and for reporting purposes.
If the Preferred email address is not marked Active, the system defaults to using the next available Active email address listed on the List of Emails grid.
  1. Click the  button to save your changes and return to the Emails tab.
  2. Click the Close link to return to the Emails tab without saving your changes.

Addresses Tab

The Addresses tab displays the addresses assigned to a vendor and has options to modify these addresses.

The following options are available on the Addresses tab.

  1. Click the  link to add a new address.
  2. Click the Edit  icon to modify an existing address.
  3. Click the Delete  icon to remove an address from the system.
  4. Click on the Address Type, or Address header to sort the list of addresses by that header.

Add or Edit an Address:

The following fields are available when selecting to add or edit an address.

  • Address Type: Select the address type from the drop-down list.
  • Address Line 1: Enter the first line of the address.
  • Address Line 2: Enter the second line of the address (Optional).
  • Postal Code: Enter the Postal Code/Zip Code.
  • City: Enter the name of the City.
  • State: Select the State from the drop-down list using your mouse or type the first letter of the state. (You can continue to press the first letter of the state to scroll through the states that start with that letter.)
  • Country: Select the Country from the drop-down list.
  • Primary: Only one address can be designated as the Primary address. The Primary address displays on grids and is used by the system to contact the vendor and for reporting purposes.

The Address Types and the Country drop-down options can be modified on the Lookups page. To navigate there, click the Applications option from the Top menu and then select Utilities -> Lookups.

Also, the order of the Address types and Countries can be modified on the Lookups page.

  1. Click the  button to save your changes and return to the Addresses tab.
  2. Click the Close link to return to the Addresses tab without saving your changes.

Demographics Tab

Enter the Birth DateSocial Security NumberSalutationGenderEmployer, and Position in the fields provided.

If the customer is an organization, the following fields display Date CreatedFederal Tax ID Number, and Salutation.

The Doing Business As field only applies to both Individual and Organization record types in Accounts Payable. Any text in this field appears on checks, vouchers, and 1099s, preceded by the abbreviation 'dba'. The program also includes results from the Doing Business As field when performing vendor name searches throughout Accounts Payable.

Vendors with a Doing Business As normally requires Form 1099-NEC. You can specify the Default 1099 Status for future invoices on the Vendor Information tab.

Attachments Tab

The Attachments tab allows you to attach files accessible from your device or to scan image files using the Scanner.Client.exe program. See the Attachments Help Page for detailed information regarding the attachments feature.

When finished click the Update button to save your changes and return to the Vendor Information page, the Reset link to undo all changes since the last time the vendor was updated, or the Cancel link to discard all changes and return to the Vendor Information page.




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