Modify Project Information

Projects may be assigned to help identify revenue and/or disbursements of particular projects for multiple purposes but need to be categorized under one project. Apply projects to line items when processing transactions. The project information is sent to Journal Entry for tracking. 

This Section Includes:

Project Information

The Project Information page contains the following information.

Select a project in the Project Information pop-out window on the right side of the screen to view or edit a project. You can also click the Add New Project link to add a new Project.

  • Project Number: The next available number is assigned for you when adding a new project. However, you can type in your own number if desired.
  • Name:
  • Active?:
  • Begin Date:
  • End Date:
  • Max Total:
  • Companies: Select each company in which the project is to be associated with from the drop-down list.

NOTE: Projects do not require a Begin or End Date. If supplied, then the date filters where available honors the dates.

Select an existing project located in the  the "Project Information" panel located on the right side of the page. You may also click the Add New Project link to add a new project.

Click the Delete icon by any project to be prompted to remove it. You can only remove unused projects.

For each project, you must have a Project Number and Name. You can also specify if the project is Active, the Begin DateEnd DateMax Total, and the Companies.  If you choose to filter by company, use the Companies list to select which companies you want the project to apply to.

The Max TotalBegin Date, and End Date fields are informational only and not enforced by the program. The Max Total field allows you to specify the maximum amount that should be spent on this project. The Project Register report in General Ledger has an option to display this total.

Note Tab

Enter a note in the field provided if you wish.

Attachments Tab

The Attachments tab allows you to attach files accessible from your device or to scan image files using the Scanner.Client.exe program. See the Attachments Help Page for detailed information regarding the attachments feature.


Click the  button to save any information that has been added or changed.

Click the Reset link to reset the page back to how it was before any changes were made to it.

Click the Cancel link to leave the page without saving any changes and return to the previous page you were on.


Modify Project Information is the same in every application. Any changes made within this area affect Projects Information throughout the program (e.g., adding a project or editing a project name).





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