View Posted Gifts allows you to view and print Posted Gift information at any time.
This Section Includes:
- Choose the appropriate Filters:
- Name: Brings up the Person Search window where you can search for the name.
Envelope Number: You may enter an envelope number here.
NOTE: Normally this field would be used in place of the Name filter. If you use the Name filter and Envelope Number filter at the same time, you run a much higher risk of seeing “No records to display.” Therefore, it is recommended to use either the Name filter or the Envelope Number filter. - Date Range:
- Motivation: Either start typing the name of the motivation and then choose from the pick list or type an "*" to list all motivations.
- Purpose: Either start typing the name of the motivation and then choose from the pick list or type an "*" to list all motivations.
- Purpose Types: All, Non Tax Deductible, or Tax Deductible
- Pledge Status: All, Active, Inactive, or Not Associated With Pledge
- Click the Search button to display the results or the Clear Filters link to reset all filters.
View Posted Gifts Grid
- Choose the type of view.
- Pledge Summary:
- Purpose:
- Begin Date:
- Pledge:
- Active:
- This Year:
- Last Year:
- Prev. Years:
- Balance:
- Gift Summary:
- Date:
- Check#:
- Amount:
- Deductible:
- Non-Deductable:
- SubDonor:
- Detail Information:
- Date:
- Purpose:
- Check#:
- Amount:
- SubDonor:
- Quarterly Summary Information:
- Purpose:
- 1st Quarter:
- 2nd Quarter:
- 3rd Quarter:
- 4th Quarter:
- Total:
- Statistics Information:
- Statistics:
- Amount:
- Date:
- Purpose: