Use this feature to set up information used to maintain records of individuals or organizations that have made commitments to match gifts based on a percentage.
This Section Includes:
The options available in the Filters area are:
- Name:
- Valid on this date:
- Active?:
Click the Search button to display the results or the Clear Filters link to reset all filters.
Matching Gifts Grid
The matching Gifts grid displays matching gifts that match the selected filters with the following columns:
- Matching Donor:
- Name:
- Begin Date:
- End Date:
- Active:
Double-click on a name or click the Edit icon to edit a matching gift in the grid. You can also click the Add New Pledge link to add a new matching gift. Click the Delete
icon by a matching gift in the grid to be prompted to delete that matching gift.
Matching Gifts Update
- Matching Donor
- Name
Details Tab:
- Begin Date:
- End Date:
- Motivation:
- Percent:
- Limit per gift:
- Overall Limit:
Individuals Covered Tab:
Click the Person Search icon and select a person to add the donors that should be covered under this Matching Gift.
Notes Tab:
Enter a note in the field provided if you wish.
Click the OK button to save the motivation or click the Apply button to save the motivation and continue adding more.